Sunday, September 18, 2016

Leadership Retreat 2016

Last Sunday, the current executive board, officers, and general members interested in leadership roles joined together to engage in a leadership retreat. We began the day analyzing our results from StrengthsQuest. StrengthsQuest is a great program in which students take an assessment that helps them discover their strengths.  The results from StrengthsQuest were very insightful.  Not only did everyone learn about their personal strengths, but we also were informed of others' strengths.  Knowing everyone's strengths is important in forming more effective teams in the future.  Aside from this, we completed a "Stand by Your Quote" Activity in which leadership quotes were placed around the room and everyone stood by the quote that represented their own leadership style.  This was a great activity because it allowed everyone to explore the many interpretations of "leadership" and how to strengthen your own leadership style by considering the strengths of other styles.  Next, we talked about what our Fraternity means us and how we can improve it.  In order to strive for improvement, we set goals and talked about the steps we can take to achieve them.  Lastly, we talked about the oaths we took during initiation and how we can continue to uphold these vows in our daily lives.  Overall, the leadership retreat really brought us together as a chapter and gave us a lot to think about.  We now have a list of strengths to keep in mind and strive to strengthen in hopes of becoming betters leaders.  We also left with a list of goals that we will keep in mind for the remainder, as we are always aiming to improve our chapter.