Sunday, December 13, 2015

Theta Spotlight: Becky Trujillo

 "Attending the CASA/ Gal Conference in Seattle, Washington was a very enlightening opportunity for me. I was picked as one of four Thetas nationally to attend. The first thing I did was meet the other Thetas. It was a pretty fun time getting to compare how Thetas in other states run, the philanthropies they have, and how Greek life in general operates. Maryland is such a large school, and Gamma Mu is such a large chapter, it was interesting to see the differences between my chapter and theirs. Despite all the differences, I found myself to be a very similar person to the other Thetas who attended. Once at the actual conference, I got to meet women from Theta Nationals, who taught me a lot about the work done behind the scenes at Theta. We set up a table and acted as the face behind the sorority. As a marketing major, I went to several breakout sessions whilst at the conference pertaining to social media, PR, and digital marketing. It was particularly useful as I hope to one day work for a non-profit, and understanding how to successfully market on a limited budget will one day come in handy. I got to hear from children who has been through the foster care system, as well as met those who spend so much time working with them. I learned about new ways Kappa Alpha Theta could help CASA. I also got to meet several people behind similar organizations who are equally devoted to helping the children. This conference inspired me to one day become a CASA, to hopefully one day do as great of good as many of the men and woman I got lucky enough to meet do on a regular basis."


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